We encourage you to join the diverse growing group of engineers united through ASPE.
ASPE serves as a platform for professional engineers to network, share resources and experiences, as well as work together to protect the industry as a whole. ASPE works alongside the National Society of Professional Engineers to stay ahead of legal and state legislation and, when necessary, stand up for the rights of professional engineers.
Additionally, ASPE is proud of our initiatives designed to educate and inspire the next generation of professional engineers. The message "Engineers build the world around us" is promoted in areas to include:
- Young adults (K12) – ASPE introduces multiple fields and spreads the message virally in cool and refreshing ways such as video, blogging, social media.
- College – make a connection – keep students engaged
a. Support through online mentorship - “Ask an engineer” as an example
b. Come to work day (work with Universities to coordinate field trips)
- Internships – experience various fields through hands-on
Join today to join a growing network of like-minded professionals who share your commitment, integrity, pride, and your desire to be held to a higher standard.